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Student COVID-19 Positive Test 1-11-2021 and 1-15-2021

Covid-19 Updates

Student COVID-19 Positive Test 1-11-2021 and 1-15-2021

Dear All,

ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ has received notice and confirmed the following positive cases for COVID-19 with students.

January 11 – one student January 15 – one student

The student(s) are currently quarantined and receiving medical treatment in accordance with public health protocols. We have performed contact tracing, and students and employees that need to be tested or placed on quarantine have been notified. Health and safety remain our number one priority.

ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ is following medical protocols from state and national health authorities and has implemented recommended guidelines in relation to wearing masks, social distancing, hygiene, travel, and visits to the College. In addition, we are taking additional steps to attempt to ensure the cleanliness or all our facilities. In the event there are other cases of which we become aware; we will use our best efforts to notify those we are able to determine have had contact with those individuals so they may take the recommended health measures.

The College is committed to keeping you updated on the local COVID-19 risks and will provide direction to our staff, students, and families with additional instruction as appropriate. Please remember to wear a mask, stay six feet apart, and frequently wash your hands. IT MAKES A POSITIVE DIFFERENCE!

If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or you are concerned that you have been exposed to COVID-19, please contact the Interim Dean of Students, Glenda Bland at gbland@cacc.edu.

Employees should contact Tina Shaw, Executive Director of Human Resources at tshaw5@cacc.edu.