
Spring 2025 Graduation Information

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ACCS Fall 2020 Announcement

Covid-19 Updates

ACCS Fall 2020 Announcement

ACCS Fall 2020 Announcement

In addition, please note that the current COVID-19 ACCS approved operating plan for Ӱ̳ was shared previously via e-mail and on line and may be accessed on the College website. We are updating our Fall Reopening Plan at this time, and it will be shared as soon as we complete the approval process.

Lastly, the updated College facial covering requirements are listed below and may also be found on the College website.

  1. Effective July 16, 2020 at 5:00 P.M., all individuals, including but not limited to students, employees, guests, and vendors, on Ӱ̳ premises, shall wear a mask or other face covering that covers his or her nostrils and mouth at all times when within six feet of another individual; in common indoor spaces of campus buildings, in a vehicle operated by a transportation service, or an outdoor public space where ten or more people are gathered.
  2. Face coverings must be worn at all times in campus buildings when physical distancing (six feet or more) cannot be achieved. Face coverings must be worn in classrooms, labs, and shared office spaces regardless of social distancing.
  3. Reasonable accommodations will be provided for persons who cannot wear a face covering due to a medical condition. Students should request these accommodations from the ADA Coordinators, Tiffanie Character or Leslie Mitchell, via the Disability Services Office. Employees should request these accommodations via the Executive Director of Human Resources, Tina Shaw.
  4. Signage providing instructions on face coverings and enhanced safety and health measures will be deployed across each Ӱ̳ location. “Face Coverings Required” will be posted at each building entrance. Buildings will be secured, and individuals may enter buildings only if wearing the required face coverings. A limited amount of disposable masks will be maintained in the Student Services Office at each location for situations when an individual is unable to secure a face covering.
  5. Individuals who do not cooperate with the face covering orders will be directed politely to leave campus and allowed to return with a face covering. Security will be contacted for assistance should there be any issues with enforcing the face covering orders.
  6. Instructions on how to make a facial covering at home, how to properly wear a face covering, how to practice social distancing, and encouraging proper hand washing and sanitation practices will be posted throughout each Ӱ̳ location, including but not limited to labs, common areas, classrooms, and on the College website, and social media.

Thank you have a safe, restful weekend,

Dr. Taylor